La belle Maud by Louis Anquetin Montréal, Musée des Beaux-Arts
Louis Anquetin (1861-1932)

La belle Maud, 1890

Oil on canvas, H. 0.81 m; W. 0.54 m

Signed and dated lower right: Anquetin / 90

Provenance: Pierre Cluzel collection
Private Collection

A major figure in the development of modern art, Louis Anquetin began his training in Léon Bonnat’s studio in Paris. In 1883, he entered Fernarnd Cormon’s free studio, where he became friendly with Toulouse-Lautrec and Vincent van Gogh. The Dutchman left a lasting influence with his feeling for colour and his collection of Japanese prints that he showed to the younger artist. In addition, Anquetin studied Rubens and Delacroix enthusiastically. He met Signac in 1887 and for a short period became close to the Neo-Impressionists. Working with Emile Bernard, Anquetin created in May 1888 paintings that were later defined as “cloisonnist” by the art critic Eduard Dujardin, because they were formed of compartments, similar to cloisonné, drawing supporting the colour and colour supporting the drawing. Cloisonnism would be very important for Gauguin in addition to the Nabis. Anquetin broke later with the avant-garde and concentrated on studying the techniques of the Old Masters.